trips and photos

It doesn't seem to be hard becaming at the refuge for one night or for lunch if you look at the beautiful

environment of this high mountain , in the middle of lakes and a lot of animals like marmot , stainbok , and

chamois . From the refuge , for the people that can sleep here , your choise for the day after are really

various . You can go along the lakes , Dragone and Gran Lago . You can walk as far as Colle di Valcornera to

looking for a view down in Valpelline . You can also go up to Colle di Vofrede from were you have a beautiful

view of cervino and Monte Rosa group and you can walk up more until the top of Mont Rous . For the people

that can stay at the refuge more than one day it's possible to make a round of Punta Cian ( 3 days ) , or it's

possible to try turning Monte Cervino (7-8 days ) . If you prefer climb the Mountain , you can do Chateau des

Dames or get up trought Punta Fontanella and Dragone from Colle di Valcornera to Colle di Bella-Tza . You

can also cross to Colle di Fort for climbing Punta Cian from Cresta Rey or the Dome de Cian trought Via

Bazzi . Wherever you have a good choise .